The Coachella Water Authority and Sanitary District oversees the treatment of City water supplies and operates and maintains the water distribution and waste collection systems. The Department also handles environmental compliance issues related to water quality, pretreatment, stormwater runoff, documentation of illegal hazardous waste disposal and permits for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
What We Do
Deliver value to our customers and the communities we serve by providing safe, reliable, economical and environmentally sustainable water service.
Protect public health and the environment by providing effective and efficient wastewater collection services, including treatment and system maintenance.
Plan, organize, coordinate, and review environmental programs, including the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Industrial Waste Pretreatment Program (IPP), Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) program, to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations related to water quality, urban runoff, stormwater systems, wastewater management, and other environmental issues.
Water Treatment
Coachella Water Authority & Sanitary District works each and every day to protect
our environment and make Coachella a better place to live for generations to come.
Take a look at our virtual tour video of city facilities to see how we provide a safe,
reliable source of drinking water and treat wastewater.
English virtual tour video:
Spanish virtual tour video:

The Coachella Water Authority and Sanitary District is proud to offer our community with independent, local water delivery and wastewater treatment services.